Outdoor school events like carnivals, incursions and outdoor assemblies can leave wonderful, lasting memories – unless you’re left with a painful dose of sunburn. Ensure your next outdoor event is sun safe and everyone is protected from UV radiation.
SunSmart Learning Modules for Teachers
Is your school doing enough to protect staff from UV radiation?
Teachers, education assistants, grounds staff, relief teachers, administration and volunteers are just some of the people in schools who could be exposed to the sun when ultraviolet (UV) radiation is at its most damaging. The Work Health and Safety Act (2020) states that employers must ensure workers undertake their duties safely and eliminate or minimise risks and exposure to any known hazards. This includes exposure to UV radiation which is classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
It is impossible to remove UV as a hazard, so employers should aim to minimise the risks to staff and implement procedures to maintain a safe workplace. Workers also have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and must cooperate with employers’ efforts to improve health and safety in the workplace.
Supporting staff to work safely in the sun
Raising awareness and providing education and training to health and safety representatives, supervisors, outdoor workers, and new staff is essential to the success of a workplace sun protection program. If you think your school could be doing more to protect your colleagues from the sun, then share our free online professional learning modules or access our Skin Cancer and Outdoor Work guide for more information.